Friday 14 November 2008

10 benefits of a recession for graduate job seekers...

Recessions can mean tough times for a lot of people but can also carry benefits. Some benefits of a recession for graduate jobs seekers are...

- It makes you more creative and consider different careers.
- It makes you look at SME employers instead of some "traditional" London-based firms which are cutting back.
- It makes you realise you can't take your current job for granted.
- It makes you think-twice about buying more "stuff" that is non-essential.
- It makes you think harder about what you can offer an employer.
- It stops complacency and creates a sense of urgency.
- It brings you back to the basics - you need a job to pay the bills.
- It forces you to make tough decisions - enter the job market or take further study?
- It is an agent for change.
- It causes you to be less wasteful - why commute by car when the train will suffice.

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