Friday 26 February 2010

Come And Visit GRB

Hello and welcome to this weeks updates from GRB

There are lots of ways to interact with the graduate recruitment experts here at GRB - you can visit us in Brighton, email us, meet us at a fair or find out more from your Careers Service. We also have regular polls on our websites and the results often find a their way into many newspapers and magazines so its worth taking part. We have one for students/graduates and one for recruiters.

We are members of a few professional associations one of which is the CIPD (popular with HR and Recruitment people). One of their recent seminars I went along to talked about the impact of your voice and how to use it to your advantage. It's an underused technique and can help leave a positive impression during interviews for instance. Think about how your voice alters under different situations and the results may surprise you!

OK, have a great weekend. I'm off to pick up my motorbike from its 8,000 mile service and then tomorrow off to Twickenham with my Dad to see England (hopefully) beat Ireland. Come on!


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