Friday 2 March 2012

Taking a softer approach

Our guest blogger, Arnab, has composed another excellent article for all your students and grads out there! Please read on...

In a world where competition for graduate jobs is fierce, you may concentrate completely on your academic qualifications and work experience to secure your ideal career. Still, the importance of soft skills has increased, so you need to develop these skills to be a well rounded individual.

Research by Ethical Skills & Training has discovered that many employers are reluctant to hire new graduates, since they think that graduates lack soft skills. Indeed, these are exactly the core competencies that are tested during interviews and so maybe one of the reasons that candidates miss out on positions. However, at first glance, it is difficult to see how to improve these skills.

So, what exactly are soft skills and is it easy to define them in a particular way? Basically, soft skills encompass the way in which people interact with one another and effectively make up a package deal. The important skills are communication, language, etiquette, enthusiasm and friendliness. These will all help you to make a favourable first impression on employers, thus increasing your chance of success. Utilising soft skills effectively and showing positive body language definitely bodes well with any company. 

During your interview, it is vital to do a few things. When you first meet the interviewer, smile and act in a friendly manner. You will probably be nervous but try to make eye contact and give a firm handshake to give the impression that you are confident. Once the interview has started, speak clearly and not too fast, giving succinct responses to the questions. Also, listen carefully to the questions you are being asked and demonstrate enthusiasm when delivering your answers. Giving the perception of being attentive and genuinely interested will inspire confidence in your ability.

Soft skills are also important when you start a graduate job, since a large proportion of time will be spent interacting with people. This could happen during meetings and while working in teams on certain projects. Also, as you gain more experience, it is likely that you will have to deliver presentations to other parts of your firm or potential clients. Having good communication skills could mean the difference between a sale of a service or not making the deal. Producing a vibrant presentation will have much more of an impact with the target audience, although you need to ensure that the content is of a high quality as well.

Overall, remember that your university study and extra-curricular activities are only part of the total package, so to get your desired job offer, you need to make an impression during the interview. Developing good soft skills will have a major impact on your success. Indeed, in some cases the quality of these skills will be the differentiating factor between yourself and others, both during an interview and also once you have started your graduate job.

Arnab Datta

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