Monday 18 August 2008

University of Oxford plan to boost admissions from poorer students

Oxford and Cambridge Universities are the top universities in the UK and therefore the hardest to get into but is it just the grade requirements that it make it so difficult? Apparently not as a study carries out last year showed that students from top private schools were twice as likely to get into Oxford and Cambridge irrespective of their A-level results.

To move away from this elitist reputation Oxford will try to boost admissions from from poorer students by identifying their postcodes.

The Telegraph states, "In addition to looking at a candidate's postcode, Oxford will also collect four more pieces of "publicly available" information - the performance of applicants' schools in both GCSEs and A-Levels, whether a pupil looked after or spent time in care, and it they attended specific programmes for disadvantaged children. Candidates who are flagged up in three categories out of the five - and are academically strong enough - will be guaranteed an interview at Oxford, although not necessarily an offer."

The Telegraph found that the decision has been met with anger from educationalists.

What are your thoughts on this?

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