Friday 14 March 2008

A satisfied customer

GRB place graduates every day. We can spend all day telling students how great we are but what really counts is the proof of the pudding so here's what a graduate said yesterday about our service;

"Many thanks for your help in the process, it was refreshing to be involved with an agency who treat you like a person. Initially I had recruitment job pencilled in as a bit of a back up option but now I have chosen it over things I thought I'd much prefer - there are a few reasons for this, one being the quality of clients that you presented to me and also rather significantly the way I saw you guys work. When I was a teacher the best way to learn was to watch other good teachers and the experience I had with your consultants showed me there were credible people in the industry. You asked me how I found the service when we met up, I have had a think about why it was better than some other agencies....
-Very personable
-The ability to always sound delighted to hear from me
-Calibre of clients
-I never felt like I was being sold anything even though I was
-Took time to understand need/person-Genuinely good advice
- I would not have this position without it
-Ability to articulate the merits of recruitment to a total sceptic

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